Owning a comfortable home is almost everyone’s desire. To have a house certainly requires some funds and you also need to save for a long time. You need to know that building materials will affect the quality of your home building, so make sure you choose the best building material for your home. Here are some tips on choosing the right building material for your dream home:
• Ceramics

Ceramics have many motifs, colors, sizes, and textures. Apart from being a building material, ceramics are also used as decoration for the house to make it look more beautiful. For areas in the home, you should choose ceramics with a smooth and glossy surface. While the room tends to be slippery, like the bathroom, then select ceramics that have a rough surface.
Here are the characteristics of ceramics that have good quality. First, the weight of ceramics is quite heavy; it indicates that the density and strength of ceramics are good. Second, it’s resistant to scratches. Third, there is no trace when rubbed using fingers, and the last, it has a precise size. The accurate size of the ceramic affects the installation process. For those of you who want to buy ceramics, and are still doubtful about the quality of the materials sold in the market, you can buy them at www.ambertiles.com.au
• Sand

Sand is a mixture of cement. Good quality sand has a mud content of less than 5{0bea29890059d5ae6285c17d3a34f8a8af185ed84584acbee891a26453ce2a98}. The mud contained in the sand will weaken the bond of sand and cement.
• Stone

Stone is a building material that is often used for foundations. A right type of stone for the foundation is miles stone. Miles stone is the result of the breakdown of large round stones. There are two types, namely brownish-white stone, and black stone. This stone is found in areas around active volcanoes or hills.
• Steel bar
This concrete iron is common for high-voltage buildings, such as houses or high rise buildings. If you use solid steel, make sure the material has been tested.
Good luck!